Quality Account

Each year we create a Quality Account that describes the quality of our clinical services.

It is a report that is published annually and made available to the public. Our report is endorsed by the Board of Trustees as an accurate reflection of our services and is scrutinised externally by NHS commissioners, local user organisations, and our local authority’s Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee.

Our latest Quality Account has been submitted to the Secretary of State and published on the NHS Choices website and also can be read below. A paper copy can be obtained by calling Liz Perez, Patient Experience and Engagement Manager, on 020 8343 6806 or by emailing to lperez@northlondonhospice.co.uk

North London Hospice Quality Account 23-24

North London Hospice Quality Account 22-23

North London Hospice Quality Account 21-22

North London Hospice Quality Account 20-21

North London Hospice Quality Account 19-20

North London Hospice Quality Account 18-19