Community Groups
We have various community groups and clubs that choose to support us and volunteer at North London Hospice. Many of them tell us that helping to raise funds for North London Hospice provides a good focus for social get togethers and is a truly rewarding experience. Religious and faith groups are enormously important to our work, both in terms of fundraising, and also in terms of raising our profile within their communities.
The various festivities throughout the year often provide a focus for a host of fundraising activities, such as collections at Christmas services, during Ramadan, Diwali or Chanukah. Concerts, coffee mornings, fetes and bazaars are also a popular fundraising route.
We can advise your group on how you can best fundraise for the hospice. We would be delighted to hear from you if you would like any help, ideas or advice on how you and your group or club can get involved. For more information, please contact the community fundraising team on 020 8446 2288 or