Palliative Care Support Service PCSS
The Palliative Care Support Service (PCSS) is a team of Registered Nurses and Healthcare Assistants who provide hands-on nursing care at home for people at the end of their lives and for those who require short-term support to help them through a crisis. The service is provided and managed by North London Hospice.
When someone is approaching the end-of-life and would prefer to be at home for their last few days, PCSS may be able to provide additional care to help this happen. It can also help to avoid unnecessary hospital admission when families are feeling overwhelmed. The care is usually provided overnight between 10pm and 7am.
The Nurses and Health Care Assisstants are trained to give care to end-of-life patients and patients with progressive illness. They offer practical care such as washing, toileting, assisting the family and providing emotional and spiritual support.
Registered nurses can also administer medications to manage symptoms. Health Care Assistants, although unable to administer medication, can contact other professionals such as district nurses or the hospice for advice.
The service is available to people over 18 who are registered with a GP in the London Boroughs of Barnet, Enfield and Haringey. Care can be provided for up to 14 days and will be reviewed regularly. If you would like more details or would like to make a referral, please contact the First Contact Team on 0800 368 7848.
Palliative Care Support Service (PCSS) – providing Carers and Registered Nurses to people at home
Prior to all home care shifts being booked we will ask screening questions to assess the risk of coronavirus and all of our staff will wear PPE when working in the community including aprons, gloves and masks.