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Access our services

The North London Hospice, First Contact Centre is the first point of access for all referrals to the North London Hospice. The First Contact Team includes clinical and non-clinical staff working in partnership with other hospices, primary and secondary care teams and other health and social care providers.

The First Contact Team provides specialist palliative care advice and support to referrers (professionals) and patients with life-limiting illness. We also provide a signposting service for patients in the last year of life.

Referrals will normally be through a patient’s GP, hospital professional or health or social care community service, based on clinical, social or emotional need. Referrals may also be received from patients, or family/friends in agreement with the person referred but will require further clinical information from the patient’s GP to ensure needs are appropriate to Specialist Palliative Care.

A referral form will need to be completed, ideally by a medical professional.

Referral criteria

Please click download to view our referral criteria 

Referral form

Please click download to access a copy of our referral form. The form can then be emailed to us at this address:

For all referral enquiries contact the First Contact Centre Team:

Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm: 0800 368 7848

All clinical or patient related enquiries should be sent to our secure email